Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Legality of professional boxing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Legality of professional boxing - Essay Example Key focus is laid on professional boxing, with the current set of safety measures placed in consideration. The paper will source t support from future litigation involving the complaints associated to the brutal nature of the sport. Various sporting events source contrivances over their legality, and the ethical attributions accorded unto them. Boxing is amongst the most controversial sporting events in the history of recreation. The sport involves the utilization of fists over the opponent in a scenario akin to a fight. The difference between the two is the restrictions and the rules invoked in boxing. Additionally, boxing involves the utilization of officiating officers who oversees its success. However, the rest of the aspects of boxing may be confused to those of a fight with ease. There exists a sense of bad blood between rivals, a factor that fuels the energy witnessed in a match. Professional boxing, commonly referred to as PRO boxing has attracted an increased number of inter ests from the legal dimensions. This focuses on both its legality and the safety of the participants. However, prior to examining these interests, it is vital to examine the opinions shared by other partisans over the matter. This is because legal concerns are built from such interests. On this regard, the art of boxing invokes considerable number of support, as well as loathers in almost equal proportions. There are various reasons that explain this development. Amongst them is the central purpose of any sporting event. Analysis Sports are meant for recreation based effects, as well as physical fitness.1 While viewed from that dimension, boxing promotes this understanding via all of its aspects. The participants engage into rounds of action that help them keep fit. On the other hand, the fans utilize the moment for their recreation gains by enjoying each occasion. Under professional settings, the boxers enjoy earnings in as a supplement to their performance. PRO boxing is a real ca reer that can see the participants lead a successful life. The earnings coupled to the fights make the boxers adjust their lifestyles to a flamboyant one, while still boasting of fans under their names. Their determination that sees them several rounds of senseless thumbing may be echoed as a source of motivation to the respective fans. Boxers can thus be viewed as outstanding role models to the society. This, while coupled with their fame in the ring, assists to elevate their legacy in the glimmer of their fans, as well as the general public. Subsequently, boxing as a profession offers wide opportunities to make global tours. This can be utilized in funding other campaigns that steers towards unifying the community and eliminating various vices that affect certain communities. Some boxing tournaments may be established in support of certain ambitions for the welfare of the marginalized. This helps unite communities, as well as upraise the marginalized communities. Another vital con sideration in the field of boxing is the self will deployed in the acquisition of pugilists.2 This reflects on the understanding that the boxers are recruited into a combat by their own free will. The legal restrictions accorded to this process only focus on the age of the recruit. This is in accordance to the specification of the responsible country of citizenship. In a majority of the cases, eighteen is the ultimate age upon

Monday, October 28, 2019

Are humans naturally good or naturally evil Essay Example for Free

Are humans naturally good or naturally evil Essay Are humans naturally good or naturally evil? Paul Bloom’s (psychologist) answer is yes. Most adults know wrong from right, for the excep*on of psychos. The heroes who come to the rescue, the ones that are disappointed, by some of the things that occur in our society and the act of kindness. There is a push to make the wrongdoers pay for what they commi-ed, help the needy, also emo*onal responses that revolve around morality. Research in laboratories, prove the claim that sense of good and evil are bred in the bone. Babies and toddlers can judge others ac*ons based on whether they are evil or good. They feel the same way about evil and bad and react the same way as adults. They also like Nikki Daniel 2/12/14 1st current event of quarter 3 per 2 those who do too. Based on their behavior, their judgments and ac*ons we can tell what they like and dislike. There is limit to morality. Babies start slow and then start seeing themselves as a group. Most humans obtain general moral ideas. Our ac*ons fall low compare to our moral principles. Communica*ng with people with the same morals and values as you is a big part of growing up to be a good person. This research might change the way that many people feel about their babies and children. Some think babies are bad seeds others think they are psychopaths. Our surrounding can change our natural moral senses. Understanding moral psychology can make the world a be-er place. The Nikki Daniel 2/12/14 1st current event of quarter 3 per 2 science of baby morality is all about human natures best and worst. It is actually pre-y goal that babies and li-le kids can tell the di5erence between good from bad. I think with people with be-er morality, the world would be a be-er place. Many people believe in one thing and do something completely di5erent. I learned something new. Honestly, I thought babies’ brain was like a size of a peanut and did not know right from wrong. I knew they could sense when someone is a good person or bad person but I did not know about all of this.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Preparing Women for Public Leadership: Programs and Strategies Essay

Preparing Women for Public Leadership: Programs and Strategies While we know that women are underrepresented in all facets of public leadership – from political to corporate and local to global – we have a particularly compelling reason to explore this issue in our immediate regional context. Pennsylvania ranks 44th out of the 50 states (CAWP, 2003) in women’s political participation and serves as an excellent local example of the need to empower more women and to change the climate in which they attempt to practice leadership. The Pennsylvania Center for Women, Politics, and Public Policy (PCWPPP) was created in 1998, through a seed grant, to address this historic under-representation and to provide programs to increase the level of political participation of women in Pennsylvania through education, public service, and research. Over the past five years, hundreds of women have attended Center-sponsored programs and activities, including the NEW Leadership Institute, while others from across the state have participated in the e-MERGING Leaders electronic mentoring program. More specifically, current PCWPPP activities include public leadership and political training seminars for college women, candidate training, a fellow-in-residence program, topical lectures for the campus community and the public, data collection about women, sponsorship of Washington D.C. seminars on women and public policy for which students earn academic credit, the Conversations with Women in Politics and Public Policy lecture series, voting drives, and a variety of community partnerships. This paper sets the political and academic context for such programming, examines three programs that we believe meet the multiple of objectives of serving stude... ...cago Press. Tamerius, K. (1995). Sex, Gender, and Leadership in the Representation of Women. In G. Duerst-Lahti & R. M. Kelly (Eds.), Gender, Power, Leadership, and Governance. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan. Thomas, S. & Welch, S. (1991). The Impact of Gender on Activities and Priorities of State Legislators. Western Political Quarterly, 44, 445-456. Thomas, S. (1997). Why Gender Matters: The Perceptions of Women Officeholders. Women & Politics, 17, 27-54. Walker, T. (2000). The Service/Politics Split: Rethinking Service to Teach Political Engagement. PS: Political Science & Politics, 33, 647-649. Wolbrecht, C. (2000). The Politics of Women’s Rights. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press. Wolbrecht, C. (2002). The Politics of Women’s Rights. In K. O’Connor (Ed.), Women and Congress: Running, Winning, and Ruling. New York: New Haven Press.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Lysistrata Summary Essays -- essays research papers

Lysistrata has planned a meeting between all of the women of Greece to discuss the plan to end the Peloponnesian War. As Lysistrata waits for the women of Sparta, Thebes, and other areas to meet her she curses the weakness of women. Lysistrata plans to ask the women to refuse sex with their husbands until a treaty for peace has been signed. Lysistrata has also made plans with the older women of Athens (the Chorus of Old Women ) to seize the Akropolis later that day. The women from the various regions finally assemble and Lysistrata convinces them to swear an oath that they will withhold sex from their husbands until both sides sign a treaty of peace. As the women sacrifice a bottle of wine to the Gods in celebration of their oath, they hear the sounds of the older women taking the Akropolis, the fortress that houses the treasury of Athens. In Lysistrata there are two choruses?the Chorus of Old Men and the Chorus of Old Women. A Koryphaios leads both choruses. The Chorus of Men is first to appear on stage carrying wood and fire to the gates of the Akropolis. The Chorus of Men is an old and bedraggled bunch of men who have great difficulty with the wood and the great earthen pots of fire they carry. The men plan to smoke the women out of the Akropolis. The Chorus of Old Women also approaches the Akropolis, carrying jugs of water to put out the men's fires. The Chorus of Old Women is victorious in the contest between the choruses and triumphantly pours the jugs of water over th...

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Social Commentary

English 1101 Social Commentary Essay The automobile has had a tremendous impact on society and the environment since its development in the beginning of the 20th century. Today, there are over 500 million motor vehicles on the earth. People enjoy their privacy and the convenience of an automobile. There are no schedules to keep track of. A person can come and go from a destination at their own free will. They also have the ability to travel and see scenery that people are limited to on public transportation.The automobile's efficiency, style, and performance have changed over the years, but there is one thing that has not change that they are reliable. Americans love owning cars and driving cars because they don’t have to wait for buses, and trains. In today’s society there are many ways to get around but a car is more reliable than riding public transportation or walking. Public transportation have set times that they are available also, they are not reliable.I use to ride public transportation and it made me late several times for different appointments and jobs, and I have lost jobs due to riding the bus. Cars are reliable because you don’t have to wait for the car to come get you. Americans love owning cars in the winter, so they don’t have to wait in the cold for the bus or the train. When a train or bus breaks down it takes several hours for them to be repaired. When a car breaks down you can rent another car until your car gets repaired, this is a benefit to owning a car.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Critical Essay on The Glass Menagerie

Critical Essay on The Glass Menagerie Critical Essay on The Glass Menagerie Tennessee Williams’ play The Glass Menagerie is about undergoing the transition from childhood to adulthood and the decision to leave home and become independent. The decision is made with the understanding of the difference between reality as well as illusion. Tom makes the decision to leave home, aware that there are things in life he can control and others which are beyond his control. This story revolves around persons who are not aware of themselves or their true identity. Paul tries to encourage his family members to be more aware of their true selves. People tend to run away from reality and create illusions that they believe in. These illusions blind them, encouraging them to live in a dream world. So many people live this kind of life, and by the time they become aware of reality, they are too late or unable to revert to their true selves. A major them in Williams’ The Glass Menagerie is that people live a dream life by making any effort to understand their potentials and capabilities. Throughout the play, the characters try to create illusions because they find reality very painful. This makes the characters believe too much in their illusions, which results in them being accepted by their society in a way that they should not be accepted. Believing in illusions is a psychological problem because these people are no longer in control of their senses. Illusions cause, people to become more of dreamers and this can affect their relationship with the family members who perceived life from a different perspective. A dreamer is unlikely to agree on many issues with a person who bases his life on reality. A dreamer will always remain a dreamer, and his or her ideas are unlikely to produce anything important. It is not good to encourage people to live in a dream world because this affects their social, economic, and civic responsibilities. It is important to take life seriously by doing what is realistic. An individual can begin by identifying realistic goals and a doable plan to achieve those goals. When dreamers make up the majority in a society, then many important issues are likely not to be addressed because no one will take such issues seriously. Society always encourages its members to take responsibility for themselves and those around them to some extent. Parents encourage their children to be courageous in life by facing reality. These are the core principles that shape the community and make it a good place to live. Illusions, thus, are not part of a society. Those who are perceived as dreamers often find themselves as social outcasts. This is why Williams’ play The Glass Menagerie is considered so important. It shows how life can be wasted by living in a dream. Tips on Writing a Critical Essay: People often think that being critical means being negative. That is not so. When writing a critical essay on anything, one examines the strong and the weak points in a work and discusses those points in reference to some aspect of the work. In the case of a story, for example, the reader might identify a major idea that the story is expressing and then analyze how well the writer did in presenting and supporting that idea throughout the story. Regardless of what kind of essay you are writing, be certain to begin with a thesis statement. Gather your evidence from the story you are critiquing. Then, refrain from presenting that evidence according to the order in which it occurs in the story. Remember, you are not retelling the story. Instead, organize your arguments in the order that makes sense for your paper and draw on the evidence as needed to support your arguments. Welcome to our custom essay writing service to get professional essay help from academic experts. guarantees high quality and plagiarism-free in our papers!

Monday, October 21, 2019

Brontotherium Megacerops Facts and Figures

Brontotherium Megacerops Facts and Figures Name: Brontotherium (Greek for thunder beast); pronounced bron-toe-THEE-ree-um; also known as Megacerops Habitat: Plains of North America Historical Epoch: Late Eocene-Early Oligocene (38-35 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 16 feet long and three tons Diet: Plants Distinguishing Characteristics: Large size; paired, blunt appendages on end of snout   About Brontotherium (Megacerops) Brontotherium is one of those prehistoric megafauna mammals that has been discovered over and over again by generations of paleontologists, as a result of which it has been known by no less than four different names (the others are the equally impressive Megacerops, Brontops and Titanops). Lately, paleontologists have largely settled on Megacerops (giant horned face), but Brontotherium (thunder beast) has proven more enduring with the general public - perhaps because it evokes a creature that has experienced its own share of naming issues, Brontosaurus. The North American Brontotherium (or whatever you choose to call it) was very similar to its close contemporary, Embolotherium, albeit slightly bigger and sporting a different head display, which was larger in males than in females. Befitting its similarity to the dinosaurs that preceded it by tens of millions of years (most notably the hadrosaurs, or duck-billed dinosaurs), Brontotherium had an unusually small brain for its size. Technically, it was a perissodactyl (odd-toed ungulate), which places it in the same general family as prehistoric horses and tapirs, and theres some speculation that it may have figured on the lunch menu of the huge carnivorous mammal Andrewsarchus. One other odd-toed ungulate to which Brontotherium bears a marked resemblance is the modern rhinoceros, to which the thunder beast was only distantly ancestral. Just like rhinos, though, Brontotherium males battled each other for the right to mate - one fossil specimen bears direct evidence of a healed rib injury, which could only have been inflicted by the twin nasal horns of another Brontotherium male. Sadly, along with its fellow brontotheres, Brontotherium went extinct around the middle of the Cenozoic Era, 35 million years ago - possibly because of climate change and the dwindling of its accustomed food sources.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

People That Are Hard To Live With essays

People That Are Hard To Live With essays People are different in many ways. Just imagine this is your first year of college. You dont know what to expect. All you know is that you are going to be living with five knew people. Even though you guys have talked on the phone, there is no way you know what is going to happen. Sometimes you can get the nicest roommate but, the other times you could get the worst one. There are three classifications of people they can be messy, disrespectful, and annoying. The first classification is messy. The three types are smelly, dont pick up them selves, and moldy. They can smell really bad all the time by not taking a shower. This is bad because they can stink up the room or even worse, your room. Another way they can smell bad is if they dont wash there clothes. If they are messy they are defiantly not going to pick up there clothes are any other thing. They are either going to wait for somebody to pick it up for them or they are going to wait for somebody to tell them to. The worst thing about being messy is they are going to leave mold and any other fungi. They will never clean the bathroom or clean there cups they drank out of. The second classification is disrespectful. The three types are talk about you, dont listen to you, and keep you up at night. When you first met somebody knew you dont know what they are like. You may tell them things about you that you didnt want anybody to know but, later that night they are telling other people about your life. They may even do something worse and make fun of you to your face. Another bad thing is when they dont listen to you. You are tying to tell them a story and they completely ignore you. They could even walk away and not even care about a word you are saying. The last thing is they will keep you up all night. If you have an eight oclock class and are tying to go to bed they will not let you fall a ...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

The 2012 Olympic Games in Britain Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The 2012 Olympic Games in Britain - Essay Example It is a global event and it attracts a lot of world attention, which is an avenue for prosperity for the host country. The most profound of this sporting event is that it features summer and winter sports where the well-molded and crafted athletes from around the globe gather and showcase their superb talents (Davis, 2012:41). This has been a culture of late, a stage for the outstanding talent. Since the times of BARON PIERRE DE COUBERRTIN (the founder of the initial Olympic committee), the games have evolved into accommodating numerous changes. This will bring new visitors to Britain who probably would not have come. As a result, it will open new visitors markets, which is to greater extend what United Kingdom dreamed of (Great Britain Parliament House Committee, 2010:71). Hosting the Olympic Games in London will bring with it the inspiration merits, support and subjects for thousands of clinical and scientific studies. This is expected benefit because most of the overlooked legacie s of these games give avenues for scientific research in science and medicine (Thornton, 2011:4). All eyes will be glued as the biggest sporting event on the planet will kick starts at its grounds. With 26 performances to pass through our eyes, with 10,500 multi-talented athletes, they form useful experimental subjects (Houlihan and Green, 2011:113). This is so because modern sport and medicine have of late enjoyed a close relationship. These are great avenues for Britain scientists to put into practice their knowledge since the athletes volunteer to be examined because of their competitiveness This gathering is expected to bring out one of the busiest summers in the history of the England nation (Houlihan and Green, 2011;151). Moreover, the London economy is set to convey out its most sophisticated transport system, which in-deed is expected to be the crandle of running wheels in the entire Europe (E.S.R.C., 2010:09). Again the world is set to be fed with yet another new architectu ral design of the recent times as the games will take place in the magnificently designed venues and the Olympic parks across London and around the United Kingdom (Davis, 2012:77). This is for sure, all good news since the economy will be expected to tap from this source. As the festival progress by, the England nation is set to host and accommodate all this visitors. The welfare of all the Olympic ticket holders not to mention their security will whole-handedly be in the hands of the host. It is all in the care of the London government to bring out and unleash its deep sitted level of services in order to gain (Davis, 2012:45). In addition, the country will again benefit by exposing its culture to the world. As expected, there would be hostels and campsites. Luxury hotels are set to be, food and ancient traditions and all forms of travelling (Thornton, 2011:17). London and United Kingdom have a great range of things to show to the attending and spectating world and benefit a lot. W hether the country will profit from these events, is all left on how the organizers have planned. It is now a question of how the games can be sustained in terms of the environmental impact and the dire need of the United Kingdom government to deliver a long lasting legacy and benefit at a variety of scales. As scheduled, almost all the Olympic proceedings should be held within the London locality (E.S.R.C., 2010:13). The country been part of the organizers will try to provide profitable grounds for

Friday, October 18, 2019

Corruption in China Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Corruption in China - Term Paper Example Cases of grafts and bribery are everyday occurrences. Public fund embezzlement and backdoor deals are another form of corruption experienced in China. There is nepotism in provision of employment opportunities and patronage. Backdoor deals and falsification of statistics as proof of transactions are another source of corruption. This report aims at exploring the root of the corruption rot in china. It further dwells into examining the measures the government and the Chinese public is taking to curb the vice. The challenges faced in the process of controlling corruption and successes realized so far are also explored at length. Impact of such a huge degree of corruption on the economy and politics of China too are scrutinized in details (Kwong, 43). In order to understand the current situation of corruption in China, a start with the history of the Chinese corruption is in order. Corruption situation in the People’s Republic of China bloomed after 1949. The Cadre corruption in post 1949 emanates from the organizational involution of the ruling party of the time. It is a historic cause that implicates the Chinese Communist Party, and the Mao era. The Chinese Communist Party formulated and implemented policies that gave way for corrupt practices. Its institutions, norms and protocols failed to acclimate to a changing post-Mao era. Every state that returns to normalcy after a regime of tyranny and terror suffers high probabilities of immense corruption. The administration that takes over from the dictators has a chief role to play in curbing the possibility of corrupt dealings booming past control. Some other socialist economies that underwent tremendous transitions and experienced unpredictable levels of corruption include post-Soviet Eastern Europe and central Asia. Post-Mao China experienced a similar challenge and corruption became the chief challenge to China’s social and economic development (Kwong, 76). The seed of corruption implanted decades ago has grown into a nightmare for China’s development. Economic freedom has fueled the vice. Corruption has had a great impact on the Chinese politics as politics has a huge impact on corruption. The height of corruption in the country undermines the legitimacy of Chinese Communist Party. A feeling of dissatisfaction by the citizens has led to several public unrests. The most notable of the public unrests is the Tiananmen protest movement of 1989. Citizens are increasingly growing impatient of the economic inequalities caused by the rotten institutions. The public becomes irritated by the levels at which corruption has led to undermining the environment. These factors fuel social unrest and lead to political instability. The political situation of the People’s Republic of China is shaky due to a discontented population. Popular perception of the Chinese people is that there are more corrupt and dishonest Chinese Communist Party (CPP) officials than honest ones. This i s in direct contrast to how the CCP officials were held in high regard in the early 1980s. Chinese elite hold a strong opinion that it is corruption, not quest for democracy that led to the 1989 unrest. Politics of China is to blame for the deep-rooted corruption. The traditional China viewed the leaders who subscribed to the Confucian concept of leadership as the politically correct. Legalists (leadership that valued government of the law) were enemies of the people. Government of the people

Sleep apnea Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Sleep apnea - Essay Example However, the patient also has witnessed apneas as the wife stated and the combination of these two factors is more sensitive in placing this diagnosis. Furthermore, the snoring is distinct loud and can even be heard from downstairs. For the patient I would recommend measurement of his neck circumference and conduct an overnight sleep study or a polysomnography. Sleep apnea has several associated risks and these should be explained to the patient. Firstly, the patient has already began to develop one of the complications which is hypertension. This can be attributed to the depletion of oxygen level in the blood which has a significant toll on the cardiovascular system. The patient also must have an abdominal ultrasound to assess the status of his liver as scarring is a common complication of the disorder. The patient’s family is also at risk of suffering sleep deprivation due to the loud snoring by the patient which can also affect their daily routine. the evaluation, management and long-term care of obstructive sleep apnea in adults.  Journal of clinical sleep medicine: JCSM: official publication of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine,  5(3),

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Sustainability in Global Context Research Paper

Sustainability in Global Context - Research Paper Example Marketing refers to a management role concerned with the determination and satisfaction of the customer demands. Any company must have an effective marketing department in order to either maintain or increase its market shares. By either increasing or maintaining an appropriate market share, the company maintains its profitability thus sustains its continued operations. Profitability and longevity of the business are two fundamental features of a business that must influence the operational decisions that managers make. Sustainability in business refers to the ability of a business to maintain operations over a period. By maintaining operations, the business must maintain a specific level of profitability in order to sustain its operations within the period (Kotler & Fox, 2002). In making operational decisions, managers must therefore consider the strengths and weaknesses of the business. VESTAS, a wind turbine manufacturer seeks to last for more than fifty years a time within which the company seeks to maintain an appropriate level of profitability in order to afford its operational requirements. VESTAS is a new company but seeks to last for more than the next fifty years. The company requires radical yet harmonized production. The production process must tally with the recommendations from the marketing department. This implies that the marketing department is among the most fundamental management departments in the organizations. The department should carry out effective market researches and ensure that every of its decision originates from the prevailing market features. As a manager, the first and the most appropriate action to take is to develop an effective marketing department in the company. This will require the allocation of sufficient financial resources and the employment of the best brains in the industry. The marketing department determines the profitability of the company. The department controls all the operations of the company and influences the relationship between the company and its specific market. An effective marketing department will therefore sustain the profitability objective of the company thus fostering both the growth and longevity for the next fifty years. An efficient marketing department will determine the most cost effective means of productions in the company. The department remains proactive and carries out effective market research in order to determine a sustainable production process. The marketing department is a fundamental aspect of the management that if handled effectively will safeguard the

Healthcare and Business Goals Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Healthcare and Business Goals - Essay Example Health care managers are appointed to positions of authority in order to shape the organization by making important decisions (The Hastings center, 2012). On a daily basis, they make and coordinate decisions on recruitment and development of staff, service addition or reduction, allocation and utilization of financial resources, and acquisition of equipment and technology. Their role is to ensure that patients and clients receive appropriate services effectively and timely while focusing on achievement of performance targets (Caldwell, Brexler and Gillem, 2000). Health care services tend to be personal in nature, and its impact tends to be felt by the providers and recipients at a point of delivery. Decisions made by hospital managers reflect on ethical and moral values of the administration since they are subjective in nature and have a key effect on the wellbeing of patients, employees, taxpayers and community, individually or collectively (, 2012). The decisions of manager s affect people directly or indirectly in both predictable and unpredictable ways and sometimes raise questions of fairness. For example, a hospital may buy equipment at a premium price, but fail to raise wages of personnel to desirable levels. In a different situation, a hospital can be challenged to rationalize the use of money from patients to pay employees whose work is substandard. In yet another case, expenses may rise, and the administration may want to cut budgets of some departments, whatever decision is made, certain patients are bound to be affected (Wheatley, 2006). It is important for the manager to prioritise the obligation to serve patients effectively. Ethical issues such as those highlighted above should be addressed effectively as negligence leads to errors and potentially costly decisions that are harmful to patients, staff, the organization and the community. Where staff is affected negatively by such decisions; it can result in distress which is known to cause p rofessional burn out and staff turnover (Owen, 1990). The management of a health care organization has the duty to nurture a healthy ethical environment (Morrison, 2011). Good ethics improve employee morale, enhance productivity and improve efficiency of the organization. This in turn, improves customer satisfaction and employee retention. There is a clear link between ethics and quality, a health care organization that fails to meet established ethical bench marks, and standards is not likely to deliver high-quality health care. Conversely, institutions that fail to meet minimum quality standards raise ethical concerns with stake holders (Morrison, 2011). A review of practices in the top ranked health care organizations Managers of health care institutions must Endeavour to adopt quality and system improvement programmes in order to improve care delivery and spread new practices across the system. The transformation process requires a clear and sustained strategy and takes time to implement. For example, Henry Ford Health System, a leading health care institution in excellence has been dedicated to quality improvement and achieving strong financial performance for over 20 years. It has sought to put patients first by exploring needs, improving care and overcoming conflicts between its employees. Therefore, strong leadership is critical to maintaining unwavering focus on improving systems and outcomes

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Sustainability in Global Context Research Paper

Sustainability in Global Context - Research Paper Example Marketing refers to a management role concerned with the determination and satisfaction of the customer demands. Any company must have an effective marketing department in order to either maintain or increase its market shares. By either increasing or maintaining an appropriate market share, the company maintains its profitability thus sustains its continued operations. Profitability and longevity of the business are two fundamental features of a business that must influence the operational decisions that managers make. Sustainability in business refers to the ability of a business to maintain operations over a period. By maintaining operations, the business must maintain a specific level of profitability in order to sustain its operations within the period (Kotler & Fox, 2002). In making operational decisions, managers must therefore consider the strengths and weaknesses of the business. VESTAS, a wind turbine manufacturer seeks to last for more than fifty years a time within which the company seeks to maintain an appropriate level of profitability in order to afford its operational requirements. VESTAS is a new company but seeks to last for more than the next fifty years. The company requires radical yet harmonized production. The production process must tally with the recommendations from the marketing department. This implies that the marketing department is among the most fundamental management departments in the organizations. The department should carry out effective market researches and ensure that every of its decision originates from the prevailing market features. As a manager, the first and the most appropriate action to take is to develop an effective marketing department in the company. This will require the allocation of sufficient financial resources and the employment of the best brains in the industry. The marketing department determines the profitability of the company. The department controls all the operations of the company and influences the relationship between the company and its specific market. An effective marketing department will therefore sustain the profitability objective of the company thus fostering both the growth and longevity for the next fifty years. An efficient marketing department will determine the most cost effective means of productions in the company. The department remains proactive and carries out effective market research in order to determine a sustainable production process. The marketing department is a fundamental aspect of the management that if handled effectively will safeguard the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Criminology ucr and nibrs crime data Research Paper

Criminology ucr and nibrs crime data - Research Paper Example Secondly, the National Incident-Based Reporting System or NIBRS compiles crime data from law enforcement agencies regarding personal crime occurrences reported to them. The NIBRS is collected from local, regional, state, and federal law enforcement agencies (U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2009). The aim of this paper is to compare and contrast the Uniform Crime Report, and the National Incident-Based Reporting System as the primary crime data sources used in the United States. The Uniform Crime Reporting program is an FBI data collection program started in 1929, and it is based on gathering of data on a number of crimes as reported to law enforcement authorities by the victims (U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigation, 2009). The program documents crime data for the entire nation including the states, counties, the cities, colleges, towns, and even the tribal law-enforcement regions. This widespread recording allows crime assessments between neighboring jurisdictions, especially those with comparable populations. On the other hand, the National Incident Based Reporting System is a crime reporting system that is incident-based for offenses known to the police forces. Hence, any crime incident in which the law enforcement authorities become aware of, an assortment of data are collected regarding that particular incident. The individual law enforcement agencies are then required to include aggregate number of crime occurrences by offense e very month (Akiyama & Nolan, 1999). The UCR reporting categorizes eight crimes to be reported by the agencies, and they include criminal murder, rape, theft, aggravated assault, and burglary. Others include larceny, robbery, and automobile theft. Following the UCR substantial methodological redesign in 1970, the questions under NIBRS were enhanced, so

New Hire Communication Essay Example for Free

New Hire Communication Essay Welcome to Apple, as a new hire I would like to introduce you to our Company culture and our process. As the new manager at Apple, you’re expected to follow our rules and regulations and train new employees according to the regulations enforced by the company. Company Culture At Apple, we are innovative, futuristic, high-tech, and terminated to reach our business goal of $10,000 sales per week. Our high-tech products are unique from cellphones, laptops, watches, and robo-pets. Our company is unique because we allow our employees to be creative and productive, we give them an opportunity to flourish with the company. Company Process Our Company Process to reach our sales goal of $10,000 per week is to have 90% close ratio. We have the most top selling products for the past three quarters, it’s important that we keep our numbers up and ask our customers what they like about our products and what else would other products that they would be interested in purchasing. Once finalizing a sale the customer is to receive a coupon book of various other products that we sell with the company. All sales are documented in our systems and a second receipt is kept within the register. Company Procedures Depending on the product the customer purchased, at Apple we show the customer how to use their device and to maintain it for a long life span. For instance, if the customer purchases an Iphone we show them how to  operate the device and downloads any apps they may be interested in and show them how to setup their emails, contacts, and etc. We show clients how to search and download apps that help them maintain their lifestyle. We help the client login in to their emails so they have them on hand without the use of a computer. If the customer had another phone we help them retrieve their contacts without the hassle of reentry. The iphone also comes with Siri who helps the user navigate through the phone or any question the researcher may have. Siri can call your contact, research information, and even offer the client a weather update. As our new manager at Apple, you are expected to follow our procedures and regulations and train all new employees to do the same. Our company is innovative and unique we offer our clients the best products available to them and build client relationships for future business with them.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Iraq War: Aftermath of US Withdrawal

Iraq War: Aftermath of US Withdrawal IRAQI SPAT HOOD IN POST AGGRESSION ENVIRONMENT INTRODUCTION The ancient civilization Iraq, officially the Republic of Iraq (Al Jumhuriyah-Al-Iraqia in Arabic), is a country in south-western Asia. This great civilization had been humiliated and devastated by the invasion of many, and recently the United States-led coalition forces. The Second Gulf War popularly known as â€Å"The Iraq War† took place from 20 March to 08 April 2003. The war itself may be regarded as a sequel to the First Gulf War fought in 1991. Americans named the war â€Å"Operation Iraqi Freedom, (OIF)†. Military action led by the United States against the regime of Saddam Hussein, the authoritarian leader of Iraq. Announcing the beginning of the war, United States President George W Bush explained that the goals were to â€Å"Disarm Iraq to free its people.† Though President Bush declared on 01 May 2003 that the major combat operations in Iraq had been over, yet many would argue that the war in Iraq has not ended. It is more evident when the coalition f orces are engaged in fierce guerrillas who all are effectively applying the hit and run tactics and casualties on United States soldiers are on the rise. The Coalition Forces (CF) invaded Iraq in total defiance of international opinion. There had been a wide-ranging scepticism about the United States’s case for initiating this war. The coalition gained a military victory against a nation that had been suffering due to United Nation’s imposed sanctions for the last 12 years. The military outcome in Iraq War was never in doubt, yet any success seems widely premature for several reasons. Even in Iraq it is not at all clear at this point whether the sequel to warfare will be a smooth transition to a peaceful and democratic Iraq or a descent into civil war. This invention led to many desired and undesired outcomes. It is certain that the war in Iraq and the post-war situation have  wide ranging effects on the country’s future. After the national election, now it is the probable time for United States forces to withdraw. But still the Iraqi Army, National Guard and Police could not act very effectively. After the election now situation of Iraq has got a new dimension. Political and military events though are inseparable in war; this paper will highlight the pre war Iraq, future prospects and possibilities of Iraq after the departure of collation force. AIM The aim of this paper is to analyze the pre war situation of Iraq and the likely future conditions after withdrawal of United States forces. AN ACCOUNT OF PRE WAR IRAQ Social About 75 percent of the population of Iraq is Arab. Kurds, dwelling in the highlands of northern Iraq, constitute 15 to 20 percent of the population. Smaller groups include Turkmen’s, Jews, Armenians, and Assyrians. Arabic is the official language of Iraq and is spoken by the majority of the population. The Kurds speak Kurdish. Armenian and Assyrian are spoken in rural areas in the north and west. Iraq is a pilgrimage site for Shia Muslims. Muslims make up 96 percent of Iraq’s population. About 60 to 65 percent of the Muslims adhere to the Shia branch, and the rest adhere to the Sunni branch. The Shias live mostly in central and southern Iraq, and the Sunnis live principally in the north. Most of the Kurds are Sunnis. Several of the holy cities of the Shias, notably An Najaf and KarbalÄ Ã¢â‚¬â„¢, are situated in Iraq. Economic The modern Iraqi economy has been largely based on petroleum. Most of the few large manufacturing industries have to do with oil. During Hussein’s rule the Iraqi economy was adversely affected by four major factors: the war with Iran during the 1980s, an international oil glut in the 1980s and 1990s, the economic sanctions imposed by the United Nations (UN) after the invasion of Kuwait in 1990, and the Persian Gulf War in 1991. The combined effect of all these factors was the destruction of Iraq’s basic infrastructure (roads, bridges, power grids, and the like) and the country’s financial bankruptcy. The UN sanctions created widespread unemployment, skyrocketing inflation, and severe shortages of previously imported commodities, including medicine, medical equipment, animal vaccines, farm machinery, electricity-generating equipment, and water purification supplies. As a result of these shortages and the damage done to water and sewage treatment systems during the war, the incidence of disease and malnutrition rose sharply. Political The leading political organization in Iraq under Saddam Hussein was the Arab Baath Socialist Party, which bases its policies on pan-Arab and socialist principles. Other political groups include the Iraqi Communist Party (ICP), the KurdistÄ n Democratic Party (KDP), The United Iraqi Alliance, the Patriotic Union of KurdistÄ n (PUK), and a few other Kurdish parties. The two most important Shia opposition parties are the Da‘wa Islamic Party and the Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq (SAIRI). Until Hussein’s overthrow, all these opposition parties were illegal outside the Kurdish autonomous region. Following the US invasion, another political group, the Iraqi National Congress led by Ahmad Chalabi, emerged as an important political force. The Baath Party remained a legal  and open party. However, the US administrator for Iraq banned some high-level Baath Party members from employment in the public sector. STRATEGY OF UNITED STATES AND COALITION AGGRESSION By early March 2003 it became clear that the administration of US president George W Bush was intent on military action against Iraq. The Bush administration asserted that Iraq possessed chemical weapons, had accelerated its program to make biological weapons, and was actively seeking materials to make nuclear weapons. The US administration feared that Hussein could provide weapons of mass destruction to terrorist groups for use against the United States. In subsequent speeches and reports President Bush and his administration made the case for preemptive military action to avoid such a potential threat. â€Å"If we wait for threats to fully materialize, we will have waited too long,† President Bush said in June 2002. To make the case for military action against Iraq in his January 2002 State of the Union speech in which he identified Iraq as a member of an â€Å"axis of evil† threatening global security.In his January 2003 State of the Union address, President Bush cited reports that Hussein had attempted to buy â€Å"significant quantities of uranium from Africa† as well as special aluminum tubes in order to produce nuclear weapons. Bush administration officials also asserted that the establishment of a new, democratic government in Iraq could pave the way for peace in the Middle East and the spread of democracy among Arab nations. The war began on 20 March. The invasion of Iraq, dubbed Operation Iraqi Freedom by the White House, was led by General Tommy Franks, then head of the US Central Command. The coalition force consisted of a U.S.  force that initially numbered about 200,000 personnel (eventually expanding  to 290,000), as well as about 50,000 British personnel, about 2,000 Australian troops, and about 200 Polish soldiers.The U.S. military made much greater use of precise, high-tech weaponry than in the Persian Gulf  War. In 2003 coalition force used satellite-guided bombs and advanced drones (unmanned aerial vehicles) for reconnaissance. In early April the US force, its supply lines secured, moved in on Baghdad. On 4 April 2003 Army forces seized Saddam International Airport, west of the city, and renamed it Baghdad International Airport. On 5 April a battalion from the 2nd Brigade of the 3rd Infantry Division drove through Baghdad in a raid. More than 1,000 Iraqis were reported killed during the operation, according to a US estimate. On 7 April 2003 the 2nd Brigade attacked into central Baghdad. The same day, US B-1 bombers dropped four 900-kg (2,000-lb) bombs on a building in western Baghdad where Hussein was believed to be hiding. Nevertheless, Hussein’s grip on power was gone. US Marines arrived in Baghdad on 9 April 2003 and helped Iraqi civilians tear down a massive statue of Saddam Hussein that towered over a major city square. Within a few days Marines captured Tikrit, a city north of Baghdad and Hussein’s ancestral home, with little struggle. President Bush declared an end to combat operations on 1 May 2003. Nevertheless, the guerrilla war against the coalition occupation continued till today. IRAQI RESISTANCE WAR Insurgents have killed at least 29 US and six British military personnel since the US President, George Bush, declared an End to combat operations in Iraq on May 1. The violence has been concentrated in Baghdad and the so-called Sunni triangle west and north of the capital, an area inhabited mainly by Saddam Husseins fellow Sunni Arabs, a minority in Iraq. Attacks under cover of crowds are less risky for the assailant. The  only defence against them is maintaining strict separation between coalition troops and the civilian population apparently one of the insurgents aims. The Iraqi resistance to US occupation is growing, as is its support among ordinary Iraqis. Iraqs interim government recently admitted that the insurgency involves at least 40,000 hardcore fighters and up to 200,000 active sympathizersa far cry from the isolated 5,000 Baathist remnants and foreign fighters the Pentagon initially claimed to be fighting. They are effectively using the hit and run tactics on the coalition force. GENERAL ELECTIONS At the beginning of 2005 after 50 years, 30 January 2005 general election took place. In this election Shia supported United Iraqi Alliances earn the majority and form the first democratic government. The Kurdish Leader Jalal Talebani elected as President and Shia leader Ibrahim Al Jaffrai nominated as Prime minister. After that the government fails to ensure the national unity. Ruther government ignites the conflict. In the proposed constitution government neglect the interest of Sunni Muslim. After a long debate 28 August 2005 government signed the draft constitution and arranges the general election on this constitution. In that election within the 18 provinces government won in 15 provinces and lost in resttree. With this result the Sunni could not change the constriction. The Shia –Sunni conflict increase in this volatile situation. International Opinions. US and British officials repeatedly warned Iraq’s political parties that in a democratic election there are winner and looser. Same time they hope that Iraqi leader set up a coalition government  to help the undermine Sunni support for the insurgency. Now to bring them in the same platform the government have to keep the interest of the Sunni. INTERNAL SITUATION Political Presently in Iraq Shia and Sunni conflict turn into a worst situation. At 21 February 2006 there was a big boom explosion in Shia mosque AL Aksari in Samara city. It starts the riot in Bagdad. In whole country at least 90 Sunni mosques was attacked by Sunnis. After this incident there is a possibility of civil war. The main political party of Sunni complains that at least 50 mosques in Bagdad city were attacked by Shia. Iraqi president Jalal Talebani asks all to face the situation together and stop the risk of civil war. A month after the general election, political parties are still waiting for results and are jockeying for position ahead of the start of serious bargaining on the make up of the country’s first full time government since the fall of Saddam Hussein. Initial indications showed that Iraq’s Shiite(A branch of Shia Muslim) majority come out on top in the 15 December’s vote but final results dew in the coming days, have been delayed by a probe into com plaints by Sunni backed and secular party of ballot rigging. Recently the Iraqi parties started negotiation on a national unity government after rebels launched concentred attack in western Iraq to coincide with the release of election result. The election were marked by voting along ethnic and sectarian lines with the shia religious based United Iraqi Alliance, which includes prime minister Ibrahim Jaafari’s DawaParty and Abdul Aziz Hakim’s Supreme Council for Islamic Revolution in Iraq, winning 128 of parliament’s 275 states. Economic Following the US Iraq War of 2003, the US spent billions of dollars to revive Iraq’s oil industry. By March 2004 Iraq was producing about 2.5 million barrels of oil per day, nearly as much as it produced prior to the 2003 war. The US expenditures were also aimed at restoring and upgrading Iraq’s oil fields and refineries. Much of the work was contracted to U.S. and  other foreign oil companies, under the supervision of the US civil administrator. Social After the aggression of coalition force now Iraqi’s are facing the hard strike of poverty. A resent study by the United Nation Development Programme and international Monetary Fund shows that 20 percent of the population has followen below the international poverty line of one dollar par day par person. The member of the families registering for assistance  with the labor and social affairs ministry has more then tripled since the war to 171000 and even that according to the ministry â€Å"Drop in the ocean†. FUTURE TRENDS After the withdrawal of coalition force, the first to suffer will be the people of Iraq. Due to the Shia –Sunni conflict general mass will face human suffering. Each and every day the list of casualty getting longer and longer. Various terrorist / insurgence group are still active. Police force or security force is not well organized. After withdrawal of US forces the law and order situation will be in a feeble condition. Insurgency, political revenge and arms conflict between various political or religious groups will  increase. Police force or security force require time to organize, equipped and trained them. In this process various political parties came up and participated in general election. Rashid Khalidi, director of the Middle East Institute at  Columbia University said just before the election â€Å"They will have a Shia-dominated, Islamic-oriented government in Iraq. Now situation is not balance. Shia dominated party gets the clear majority in the election, could not make the situation stable. Conflict of Shia and Sunni heading towards a civil war. There may be situation the whole country will divided as per their ethics. Recently they started attacked on there religious centers. Standing on this crisis situation Iraqi president Jalal Talebani asks all to face the situation together and stop the risk of civil war. Recently the Iraqi political parties started negotiation on a national unity government after rebels launched concentred attack in western Iraq to  coincide with the release of election result. The election were marked by voting along ethnic and sectarian lines with the Shia religious based United Iraqi Alliance, which includes prime minister Ibrahim Jaafari’s Dawa Party. CONCLUSION   Iraq War has once again proved that there cannot be a military solution to a political problem. Though US Doctrine of Pre-emption has changed world security perspective, it also cautions that war against world opinion can be a disaster. More equipment-intensive future battlefield warrants modernization of the army. It has also proved that the most high–tech war also cannot be bloodless. Several thousands Iraqis were killed and wounded. Lately US loss is also quite significant. A good plan should  also encompass all aspects of war – from the battle itself to the rebuilding phase, where the Armed Forces will be a relevant player. The post conflict  scenario for the army is equally challenging against the insurgence and guerrilla group. The post-war situation in Iraq is frustrating. The political process for the smooth transition to democracy is in question. The reconstruction process is unbearably slow for the people of the war torn country. The on going high intensity of guerrilla war and aggressive counter insurgency operation are aggravating the sufferings of the people further. The peace and stability of Iraq and the region is highly uncertain. The war ravage Iraq is facing a total disorder. Reconstruction of Iraq is now the biggest challenge. The public service are to be restored, supply of food, medicine and other essential commodities are to be ensured. Sufferings of the mass people cannot be reducing at a time but a smooth  political situation will be the first priority to achieve social and economical establishment. RECOMMENDATIONS Political parties should have mutual trust between them. They should come to a same platform on the interest of their country. Soon they should form the coalition government and start reconstructions of war offended country. Various political parties should give the highest priority to their national interest keeping a side their UN ethical interest. They should take help of ether countries to develop their own security force. Government should take to solve the Insurgency problem. Bhatiary ,Chittagong IMTIAZ MAHMUD BIBLIOGRAPHY Books 1.Bruce W. Watson, Military Lessons of the Gulf War, (Lahore: Izharsons Printers, 1992). 2.J C Aggarwal, Golf Crisis : Pre War And post War Scenario,(INDIA : S Chand Company) 3. Robert F Helms,The Persian Gulf Crisis: Power in the post –Cold War World ( London: Wesport, Connecticut.) Journals / Magazines/ Newspaper 4.Daily Star: January, February 2006 5.Burger, Kim, Caught off guard? Jane’s Defence Weekly, October 01, 2003. 6.Elliott, Michael, So, What Went Wrong? Time Magazine, October 06, 2003. 7.Robinson, Simon, Baghdad Today; Progress, Inch by Inch, Time Magazine, October 06, 2003. 8.Ripley, Tim, Mean Streets, Jane’s Defence Weekly, October 15, 2003. Reports 9.Lt Gen T. Michael Moseley, Operation IRAQI FREEDOM-By the Numbers: (Assessment and Analysis Division, USCENTAF, 30 April 2003). Official Document 10.Army Headquarters Project Study Paper by 46 Independent Infantry Brigade, Iraq War A Review, Dhaka, 2003. Web Sites

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Moral Theory and Personal Relationships :: Michael Stocker Ethical Theories Essays

Moral Theory and Personal Relationships In his article "The Schizophrenia of Modern Ethical Theories," Michael Stocker argues that mainstream ethical theories, namely consequentialism and deontology, are incompatible with maintaining personal relations of love, friendship, and fellow feeling because they both overemphasise the role of duty, obligation, and rightness, and ignore the role of motivation in morality. Stocker states that the great goods of life, i.e. love, friendship, etc., essentially contain certain motives and preclude others, such as those demanded by mainstream ethics.11 In his paper "Alienation, Consequentialism, and the Demands of Morality," Peter Railton argues that a particular version of consequentialism, namely sophisticated consequentialism, is not incompatible with love, affection and acting for the sake of others. In the essays "War and Massacre" and "Autonomy and Deontology," Thomas Nagel holds that a theory of absolutism, i.e. deontology, may be compatible with maintaining personal commitme nts. The first objective of this paper is to demonstrate that despite the efforts of both Railton and Nagel, consequentialism and deontology do not in fact incorporate personal relations into morality in a satisfactory way. This essay shows that Stocker’s challenge may also hold against versions of Virtue Ethics, such as that put forth by Rosalind Hursthouse in her article "Virtue Theory and Abortion." The second objective of this discussion is to examine criticisms of Stocker made by Kurt Baier in his article "Radical Virtue Ethics." This essay demonstrates that in the end Baier’s objections are not convincing. Stocker begins his paper by arguing that modern ethical theories fail because, by and large, they deal only with the reasons and justifications for people’s actions and ignore people’s motivations. This failure to address the role of motivation has led to a form of schizophrenia in an important area of value;22 people are unable to reconcile their motives with the moral justifications for their actions. Stocker highlights the constraints that motives impose on both ethical theory and the ethical life in order to show that only when justifications and motives are in harmony can people lead the good life. Stocker believes that mainstream ethical theories, like consequentialism and deontology, make it impossible for people to reconcile their reasons and motives because these theories demand that people perform acts for the sake of duty or for the good, as opposed to because they care about the people who are affected by their actions.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Role of Female African American Sculptors in the Harlem Renaissance

The Role of Female African American Sculptors in the Harlem Renaissance The Harlem Renaissance, a time of global appreciation for the black culture, was a door opening for African American women. Until then, African Americans, let alone African American women, were neither respected nor recognized in the artistic world. During this time of this New Negro Movement, women sculptors were able to connect their heritages with the present issues in America. There is an abundance of culture and history to be learned from these sculptures because the artists creatively intertwine both. Meta Warrick Fuller and Edmonia Lewis, two of the most popular sculptors of this time, were able to reflect their native heritages and the dynamics of society through their artwork. Meta Warrick Fuller and Edmonia Lewis were two of the most renowned women sculptors during this time. Fuller and Lewis’ pieces showed how they connected with the social happenings of the time as well as portraying their African roots. Often their subjects were chosen to serve as a political mission or statement as to their feelings of societal issues. Often their subjects were chosen to serve as a political mission or statement as to their feelings of societal issues. Their sculptures support the idea that these women were products of living within a contact zone. As artists began to gain recognition in the artistic world, they continually represented what it meant to be black in America. Personalities and individualism were displayed through their work while simultaneously portraying the political, social, and economic conditions of being black. This idea runs parallel with Mary Louise Pratt’s (1990) definition of a contact zone. She defines it as a "term to refer... ...central rather than peripheral in the forging of a more liberating and intelligent visual culture in the United States" (p. 37). Works Cited Jackson, P. (1992). (in)Forming the Visual: (re)Presenting Women of African Descent. International Review of African American Art. 14 (3), 31-7. Kleeblatt, N. (1998). Master Narratives/Minority Artists. Art Journal, 57 (3), 29. Powell, R. (1998). Art of the Harlem Renaissance. American Art Review, 10 (2), 132-137. Pratt, M. (1990). Arts of the Contact Zone. Richardson, M. (1995). Edmonia Lewis’ The Death of Cleopatra Myth and Identity. African American Art. 12(2), 36-52 Savannah, G. (1998). African American Women Sculptors. American Art Review, 10, 162-5. Scwartz, B. (1997). African-Americans in the Visual Arts: A Historical Perspective.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Islam – Hajj

Hajj Overview oPilgrimage is the supreme prayer for forgiveness of sins committed and the ultimate preparation for eternity oPilgrimage rituals which must be performed, eg circumambulation of the Ka’ba oThe rites of the Hajj symbolise the essential concepts of Islam and commemorate the trials of the Prophet Ibrahim and his family oHajj: The annual, week-long pilgrimage to Mecca (in modern-day Saudi Arabia), which is the fifth pillar of faith and is therefore an obligation as it is prescribed in the Qur’an.The complete Hajj occurs two months and ten days after Ramadan ends and culminates with ‘Id al-Adha (the Festival of Sacrifice). oIhram: The white garments are symbolic of human equality and unity before God, since all pilgrims are dressed similarly. Money and status are no longer a factor for the pilgrims— the equality of each person before God becomes foremost. oBefore they leave they must pay their debts, provide for for Hajj nd provide for any family t hat may be left behind. oThe rituals occur in and around Mecca. Before commencing Hajj or entering the holy area of Makkah the pilgrams must prepare themselves for the physical and spiritual journey ahead. This includes †¢Formal washing of the complete body †¢Making intention †¢Putting on the clothing consisting of two seamless pieces of white cloth for males. Females can wear what they like, provided its modest and covers body. †¢Attaining a state of Ihram, a state of purity, peace and honesty > refraining from sex, flirting, lustful thoughts, wearing shoes or socks. Reciting a prayer that the Hajj is for Allah alone > â€Å"here I am responding to your call O Allah. I am responding to your call. † oThen begins the physical journey of the pilgrim in Makkah. One that will take several days to complete. Significance oMuslims believe that the rites of Hajj were designed by God and taught by the Prophet Muhammad. oThe Hajj is designed to develop God conscious ness and a sense of spiritual rebirth. oIt is also believed to be an opportunity to seek forgiveness of sins accumulated throughout life. Prophet Muhammad had said that a person who performs Hajj properly ‘will return as a newly born baby [free of all sins]’. oIt is also an opportunity for Muslims from all over the world to come together to worship the One God. How Hajj Expresses the Belief of Islam oIncorpoates and expresses all the main articles of faith of Islam (beliefs about Allah, his messengers, Muhammad, the Qur’an, angels, Adam and eve the devil, life, death and the Day of Judgment to come. oTradition has it that Adam and Eve were forgiven by Allah near Mount of Mercy.In gratitude Adam built the first Ka’ba but this was washed away in the great flood. oIn the Qur’an there are many references to the Hajj and pilgrimage is mentioned many times. In fact Sura 22 is titled Al-Hajj †¢Ã¢â‚¬Å"Proclaim the pilgrimage to the people. They will co me to you on foot and on every lean camel, they shall come from every deep ravine† Significance of Hajj for the individual and the community o‘The reward for an accepted Hajj is nothing less than paradise’ (Hadith) oMakes present the central beliefs of a muslims religion. It is an obligatory pilgrimage oThey get to see the very places where the Prophet Muhammad lived and to walk in his footsteps is inspirational and strengthening to faith oAn opportunity for spiritual rebirth and the removal of sins, to start again and ‘return like a newborn baby’ (Hadith) oThe rejection of Satan by stoning the three pillars is a physical act that reinforces a spiritual and psychological commitment to reject evil both now and into the future oThe pilgrims state of Ihram is one of purity and humility.Here they are at peace with Allah, with themselves, with other Muslims and with all of creation. This memory will stay with them and they will try to recreate this in thei r everyday lives. oWithin Hajj the unity and universality of Islam are highlighted and strengthened. oHajj is the largest annual peace gathering in the world with over 2 million people gathering each year to pray together and be at peace with each other and with creation. oHajj reminds all Muslims of the Day of Judgement when all will assemble and be judged on their intentions.Conclusion Islam, the world’s second most followed religion can be summed up in the two sentences: ‘There is no god but God’ and ‘Muhammad is the messenger of God’. Everyone and everything depends upon Allah and it is through the guidance of the Qur’an and the example set by the Prophet’s life that Muslims cultivate an understanding of God and surrender themselves to the will of God. The relationship between the individual and God and with the community is expressed in the living out of the five pillars and following Shari‘a.Throughout its history, there hav e been shifts in how Islam views signifi cant people and schools of thought, and the modern world has brought new challenges to Islamic jurisprudence in regard to ethical issues. Muslims living in Australia have not always found it easy to ‘live out’ their religion according to Shari‘a and have had to confront misconceptions about their beliefs and practices. Today, however, the practices of Islam are a normal part of Australia’s religious landscape.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Ethical Dillemma Worksheet

1. What is the ethical issue or problem? Identify the issue succinctly.The ethical issue develops when the truth is altered in the second or â€Å"signed off† report. The officer altered the report to state that they had actually witnessed the husband drive and park the car, although they had not.2. What are the most important facts? Which facts have the most bearing on the ethical decision presented? Include any important potential economic, social, or political pressures, and exclude inconsequential facts. The fact that the first report had said the officers only felt the vehicle with a warm hood, and only witnessed the husband walk up to the home. Is the first report really had not been signed off it may have been because they would not have a case given that the officers did not witness the husband actually driving the vehicle. Given that, the husband would have won the case and socially and politically it would show weakness within the department, because the officers mad e an arrest without meeting certain criteria for arrest. The second report had stated different, that the officers witnessed the husband driving and park as they pulled up.3. Identify each claimant (key actor) who has an interest in the outcome of this ethical issue. From the perspective of the moral agent—the individual contemplating an ethical course of action—what obligation is owed to the claimant? Why? Claimant(key actor) Obligation (owed to the claimant) Perspective (What does the claimant hope will happen?) The officers Fidelity, justice The officers hope they will win the case of DWI, although they did not witness the husband driving. The husband Fidelity, beneficence Hopes to stay out of jail and win the case against him since he was not witnessed driving while intoxicated. The wife Fidelity, beneficence Hopes to keep her husband out of jail. society justice Hopes that criminal justice personnel and system will be able to keep offenders off the streets as to n ot cause harm to innocent citizens. prosecutor Justice, non-injury Hopes to gain the truth of the matter as to not cause flaws in the justice system, and achieve absolute justice for all parties involved.Evaluating Alternatives4. What are two alternatives for the scenario? One alternative can be a wild card that you ordinarily may not consider an option because of potential implications. Both should be within free will and control of the same moral agent. Alternative AAlternative B Keep report number one and not file charges against the husband. Follow through with report number two, and file charges against the husband. 5. Respond to the following questions based on your developed alternatives.Alternative A Alternative BWhat are the best- and worst-case scenarios if you choose this alternative? Best-the husband will take this opportunity as a draw of luck and rehabilitate. The department and officers will not look bad for making an arrest without proper protocal. Worst- the husband continues to drive while intoxicated and harms another person, the first arrest may come to light and the prosecutor may be reprimanded for not perusing charges the first time Best-the husband will be taken off the streets and not allowed the opportunity to drive while intoxicated potentially causing harm to himself  and others. Worst- the truth will come to light and prosecutors and police officers are reprimanded for not telling the truth to begin with. Will anyone be harmed if this alternative is chosen? If so, how will they be harmed? Consider families and derivative effects.Yes, citizens can be harmed if accidents occur should the husband continue to drive while intoxicated. The wife may continue to be battered by the intoxicated husband. The family may be harmed if the husband is arrested and he is the only source of income. The department may be harmed should the truth be known. Would honor an idea or value— such as personal, professional, or religious—make t he alternative invalid? Professionally it may allow for an intoxicated driver to be on the streets, causing public harm.Professionally, religiously, and personally, it would be wrong to move forward with a falsified report.Applying Ethical Guidelines6. Consider each ethical guideline and explain whether it would support or reject your alternative. Guidelines based on the action itself Alternative A Alternative B Should this alternative become a rule or policy that everyone in this situation should follow in similar situations in the future? (Kant) Yes No Does this alternative result in using any person as a means to an end without consideration for his or her basic integrity? (Kant) Yes Yes Is the intent of this action free from vested interest or ulterior motive? (Kant’s good will) Yes No Does this alternative demonstrate a genuine concern for others affected by the decision, and is the moral agency responding to a perceived need? Yes No Guidelines based on consequences Alte rnative A Alternative B Is the good that results from this alternative outweighed by the potential harm that might be done to others? (Mill’s harm principle) No No Is any harm brought about by anyone other than the moral agent? (causal harm) YesYes Will anyone be harmed who can be said to be defenseless? (paternalism) Yes Yes To what degree is this alternative based on the moral agent’s own best interest? (ethical egoism)Which alternative will generate the greatest benefit—or the least amount of harm—for the greatest number of people? Select only one alternative. (utilitarianism) Alternative number one generates the greatest benefit or least harm.Ethical Decision Making7. Choose to proceed with either Alternative A or Alternative B and explain the reasons for your decision. Alternative A allows the husband to make better choices, as well as keeps the police officers and the prosecutor from lying. The truth will be known and it will not make the police dep artment look irresponsible for not taking proper steps to arrest with sufficient evidence.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The Relevance of Social Networks for Ethnic Entrepreneurs Essay

The Relevance of Social Networks for Ethnic Entrepreneurs - Essay Example Scholars emphasise evidence that demonstrates the capacity of personal networks or social capital to consolidate important resources for the development of ethnic entrepreneurship (Etemad & Wright, 2003). This essay discusses the relevance of personal networks among ethnic entrepreneurs in the current business environment. The discussion emphasises the significance of social capital in surpassing major challenges to entrepreneurship. Several researchers exploring ethnic enclaves have reported that social capital largely contributes to the business success of ethnic entrepreneurs. These researchers have a tendency to place emphasis on the importance of social capital as an alternative to dealing with established political and financial entities rather than on how dominant development resources and community may work together (Cavinato, 2012). The primary finding is that several ethnic or immigrant groups are quite successful in their use of personal networks to attain economic success es. It is a fact that ethnic entrepreneurs require skills, financial resources, and social support in order to survive and thrive. Personal networks can have favourable economic outcomes by enhancing other community resources. One of the greatest relevance of social capital to ethnic entrepreneurship is in the arena of public policy, policymaking, and political institutions (Cavinato, 2012). For instance, social capital has indirectly influenced development of financial resources by first influencing public policy and political perspective. Social capital can influence development of physical resources. It has the capacity to affect public policies associated with human capital and wages, like livelihood policy (Light & Bonacich, 1991). And it can influence the market policies that oversee business development and entrepreneurial prospects. Beginning with the research on ethnic economies, social scientists and entrepreneurship scholars have placed emphasis on several core variables that seem to partly explain the consolidating attributes of ethnic entrepreneurs and communities into enclaves. In this field, analysis of behaviour unavoidably includes descriptions of personal networks, social embeddedness, and social capital (Saegert, Thompson, & Warren, 2005). Lately there has been heightened emphasis on the importance of exploring the dynamics of ethnic entrepreneurship and how its economic mechanisms are attached to governance, cultural, religious, and social forces that finally determine the characteristic of an ethnic community. Personal Networks, Social Capital, and Ethnic Entrepreneurship Ethnic entrepreneurship emerges today in various societies and cultural contexts. Nowadays, ethnic entrepreneurs are a part of a business environment in almost all nations across the globe, drawing much scholarly interest. Enclaves of ethnic entrepreneurs can be seen in the United Kingdom and other Western countries. Ethnic entrepreneurship is generally regarded an import ant component in the economic structures of Western countries and the revitalisation of the small business community (Piperopoulos, 2012, p. 84). However, it would be misleading or inaccurate to lay down a single, strict definition of the concept of ‘ethnic entrepreneurship’ or ‘ethnic entrepreneur’. Ethnic entrepreneurs are commonly defined in the literature as â€Å"sojourners who work harder, save money, spend less by living frugally, have preferential access to

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Criminal Procedure Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Criminal Procedure Assignment - Essay Example Effectively, the decision overruled the previous distinction in Chadwick-Sanders that held such a search of containers in automobiles required a warrant even if there was probable cause for the search. In U.S.A vs. Chadwick 433 U.S. 1 (1977), it was held that in the absence of exigency, searching double-locked luggage inside an automobile is not justified and violates the Fourth Amendment rights. Here, it was explained that luggage may be movable just like the automobile but is not subjected to lesser privacy expectations associated with the automobile. Therefore, the police cannot search personal effects that they confiscate during an arrest if they do not have a warrant to perform the search. In U.S.A vs. Johnson 457 U.S. 537 (1982), the defendant claimed that his written and oral confessions were the results of an unlawful arrest that could not be supported by probable cause. However, it was held that the warrantless arrest of Johnson in his home did not violate his Fourth Amendme nt rights because there was probable cause for the arrest and the confessions admitted as evidence. However, this decision was later overruled after Payton v New York 445 U.S. 573 was decided and it was ruled the respondent’s Fourth Amendment rights were violated. The similarity in the three cases is the issue of warrantless search and presenting the evidence found to the court during prosecution. However, basing on the different facts f the cases, different verdicts were made. Both U.S.A. vs. Acevedo and U.S.A. vs. Johnson held that the police did not require warrants to search the automobile and home respectively. The reasoning is that they had probable cause to believe there was evidence in the automobile and home that would link the suspects to crime. More specifically in U.S.A. vs. Acevedo, the most relevant holding was that the police could search the entire automobile and any closed containers in it.

Monday, October 7, 2019

Overpopulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Overpopulation - Essay Example The most rapid population growth has occurred during the past 300 years. Overpopulated countries like Africa, Asia & America increases its crime, epidemics and workforces. Overpopulation can be defined in several ways. One way is in terms in carrying capacity. Other way to define overpopulation is in terms critical factors. Critical impacts such as malnutrition, lack of food supply, unemployment, lack of education, destruction of ecosystem, poverty, lack of housing & uncontrollable diseases indicate that there is overpopulation, regardless of the carrying capacity of ecosystem. The third way is population size and resource use to their environmental consequences (Addison,1994). The world is over populated if the environment is damaged by factors like pollution and habitat destruction on large scale. "One cause that affect the amount of food produced is because the amount of land available for growing crops".(Persell, 1990). Due to overpopulation the supply for food is affected. For example in a irrigation area, extensive irrigation may deplete underground water supply more rapidly than they replenish. In the long run, overusing those areas may cause them to dry up and also become unfit for farming. And because of this it does not seem to offer an easy solution to the problems of world food production. . Food is not the only resource that determines carrying capacity in the ecosystem. (Manongdo,2003). B. Housing Problems "Inadequate housing is not just one of a lack of housing, it also a problem of unaffordable housing."(Kerbo,1989). Due to overpopulation, many people are homeless. According to (Newsweek, March 23,1981) 30,000 people were homeless in LA in 1984. During the high employment many people were seen sleeping in the street because they can't afford to buy homes. C. Human Behavior Human behavior of overpopulated area believed that is harmful to humans. The extensive daily contact with strangers, due to overcrowding can affect the behavior of a human. According to (Kerbo,1989) "The lack of strong social - were believed to cause many problems such as mental, illness and crime". With this kind of environment certainly has a higher crime rate but seems due to the often found poverty and many children without adequate support. D. Lack on water supply because freshwater have been polluted and there's inadequate water treatment facilities. Overpopulated country suffers from different diseases such as tuberculosis, parasites diseases and leprosy. And almost 75% of this came from the water that they are using. Commonly polluted water causes death to thousands of children all over the world. Diseases contribute to poor heath conditions in many parts of the world. Diseases such as cholera and tuberculosis are becoming common again, even though effective medical treatments once made them rare. E. Destruction of nature. Because of this problem many people especially children

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Employability Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Employability Report - Essay Example Moreover, I have learnt to be responsible in all the activities since I am the one in charge of all the stock and ensuring that they are in good order. Second is that I am a good problem solver and decision maker. In this regard, I have been a Waitress in Harvester Restaurant regarded as one of the high-ended restaurants. Being a worker at the restaurant for at least two year has groomed me into a critical thinker and a decisional maker as I was delegated with the responsibility of taking orders and serving our guests and dealing with any problem that arose during my time on duty. This ensured that we remained competitive in all our undertakings as compared to our competitors. Third is that I have gained interpersonal relation skill. This is the skill I achieved while working as a customer service assistant at the Standard Bank. Educationally, I have attained a lot. I have gone through our educational system and am currently taking a course in financial mathematics. This has imparted a lot of knowledge by creating an urge to apply theoretical knowledge practically in my field of expertise. In addition, I have undergone computer training at the university. During this time I gained skills on Mat lab and Microsoft Office especially on Excel. I have also worked on projects on Mat lab that were quite challenging but still made it. On Excel application, am quite equipped since that is the technique we use in the assignment tackling. To create an edge and be more competent, I have attended classes on other languages such as German and therefore, can fluently converse in these foreign languages. With such achievements I believe I am now a metropolitan individual who can work in diverse cultures and understand different individuals and the best way to treat them in different circumstances. This will enable the organization have competitive advantage

Saturday, October 5, 2019

The Six Principles of Political Realism' by Hans Morgenthau Term Paper

The Six Principles of Political Realism' by Hans Morgenthau - Term Paper Example Morgenthau has been criticised by many on the basis of his indistinct use of language and unsatisfactory scientific rigor, however his successive revisions and updates resulted in the â€Å"Six principles of political realm† in the 1954 revision (Scheuerman). The principles depict Morgenthau’s own political struggle and insight and they have been used by most of the international scholars to describe the international politics since 1945. Morgenthau states in his first principle, â€Å"Political realism believes that politics, like society in general, is governed by objective laws that have their roots in human nature† (Morgenthau). Morgenthau highlights that human nature does not change regardless of any attempts made to impose laws or policies against the human preferences. International politics can be applied only after the facts have been tested by rationale and reasoning. Otherwise they would be rejected by the laws of nature itself. For a theory to be acce pted in reality, it has to contain both ascertaining facts which are given meaning through reason. Political power is explained as a psychological relation between those who exercise it and those over whom it is exercised (Scheuerman). To understand the objective laws of politics it is important to study the history of human relations, as it is the fundamental base of the political facts and policies. The theory of politics holds its roots in human nature and hence the laws of human nature apply to the political laws as well. Morgenthau states, â€Å"Hence, novelty is not necessarily a virtue in political theory, nor is old age a defect†. Morgenthau elaborates that human nature has not exhibited any change of behaviour with the passage of time and similarly the laws of politics are not subjected to get out dated or obsolete only because they are old and ancient. Only the notion, that a theory was developed hundreds of years ago does not alter its credibility or integrity. As in human nature, old age is not a defect; political theories are not subjected to presumptions of being outmoded. Conversely, an innovative theory cannot be accepted only on the grounds of its newness or modernization. It is because of these aspects of the political theory that it has to be tested irrespective of it being outmoded or innovative. â€Å"A theory of politics must be subjected to the dual test of reason and experience† (Morgenthau). The dual test is of both reasoning and experience. For realism, a theory cannot be rejected merely on the basis that it is old without presenting rationale and reasoning. Inability to do so would be only an example of modernistic prejudice. Hence, a foreign policy can only be labelled as acceptable when its ability to perform political acts as well as the predictable consequences have been determined and tested. Morgenthau establishes that there is one morality for the private sphere and a very different and separate one for the publi c sphere. The political ethics and private ethics are not similar and they should not be reduced into one another. He states, â€Å"Yet while the individual has a moral right to sacrifice himself in defence of such a moral principle, the state has no right to let its moral disapprobation of the infringement of liberty get in the way of successful political action, itself inspired by the moral principle of national survival†. For example, if a ruler operated in accordance with Christian private ethics and would not agree in many ways to other political rivals as they cannot be counted on to operate in same Christian way (Jackson and Sorensen 73,74). This mergence of the two ethics would lead to a disaster

Friday, October 4, 2019

Providing quality care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Providing quality care - Essay Example In countless regions in the world, nursing programmes are aimed at increasing proficiencies that assist nurses in handling particular nursing/care needs (Fitzpatrick Kazer 2012, p. 54). This paper will examine some of the behaviours, attitudes, and abilities necessary to become a professional nurse, and some of the elements that are crucial in the nursing field. . The progress witnessed in different regions in terms of healthcare has seen the role of the nurses become a major game changer in the medical field. The nursing fraternity has a framework in which all the actions and duties are reflected that aid in the protection and assistance of all individuals in need of medical care. The ethical and professional behaviours that nursing personnel are meant to exhibit should also reflect the attitude and organizational culture of their respective organizations (Fry & Johstone 2008, p. 37). This is done to make sure that the nursing profession maintains the professionalism and attitude that is needed in catering to the needs of people in society, and the overall good of the medical practice. Nursing requires an individual to have what may be considered the 6Cs, which are; compassion, care, courage, commitment, competence, and communication. They assist nurses to engage positively and professionally with all those meant to be in their care. All these behaviours are crucial in nursing because they assist nurses in understanding their patients and treating them professionally (Goodman & Clenmow 2010, p. 57). Care defines how nurses are meant to carry out their duties. It needs to be constantly and consistently provided at every stage. Compassion is paramount when it comes to understanding the predicament in which their patients are in, and what may be done to assist them. Compassion looks into how care is delivered to those in need. Competence comes into play when a nurse understands and comprehends the nature of the individual in

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Hybrid Electric Cars, Combustion Engine driven cars and their Impact on Environment Essay Example for Free

Hybrid Electric Cars, Combustion Engine driven cars and their Impact on Environment Essay Fig. 1. Estimated grows of Planet Earth Population But the expected grow of automobiles will grow much rapidly. The growth will be caused mainly with inevitable living standard improving in many countries like Africa, South Asia and South America together with enlarging of population in these regions. The estimated grows of automobiles over whole Earth is shown in Fig. 2. From comparison of both figures results that the population may grow between years 2000 to 2050 from 6 to 10 milliards that means 1. 7 times, but the expected vehicle number will grow from 0. 7 to 2. 5 milliards that is 3. 6 times. This work was supported by Research Center of Combustion Engines and Automobile Technology. 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 1980 Rada1 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 years Fig. 3. Total world production of CO2 These problems are so serious that they became very important theme of international discussions. Results of these discussions were settled in the Kyoto Protocol. Kyoto Protocol is an agreement made under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Automobiles produce approximately a half of the total world production of CO2. Let us imagine that a good new car produces approximately 160 g of CO2 pro each km. There are many possibilities how to diminish this terrible amount. Electric hybrid cars are produced in enlarging numbers and they reach enlarging popularity between customers. They bring a new possibility how to diminish the world CO2 production. II. ELECTRIC HYBRID CAR SYSTEMS Hybrid electric vehicles combine electric and internal combustion engine drive. Hybrid electric vehicles combine the zero pollution benefits of electric motors with the high fuel energy density benefits of the thermal engine. Hybrid electric drives adjust the combustion engine load and revolutions into the point of best motor efficiency and lowest motor emissions. [1], [4], [6], [7]. A. Basic Drive Configurations Series hybrid drive in Fig. 4 presents a combination of different energy sources. In the picture the energy sources are the combustion engine and the battery. The internal combustion engine ICE propels a generator. Total power in form of the generator electric power and the battery electric power are summed in the traction motor. There is no mechanical connection between ICE and wheels. internal combustion engine generator ICE gear box GB battery traction motor TM BAT ICE Fig. 5 Parallel hybrid drive G battery Combined switched hybrid drive in Fig. 6 is based on series hybrid drive with mechanical coupling using a clutch between generator and traction motor. It is series hybrid drive when the clutch is off. BAT traction motor internal combustion engine ICE TM generator G battery BAT coupling Fig. 4. Series hybrid drive Battery acts as energy buffer. Advantage of series hybrid drive is the possibility to operate the thermal engine ICE in optimal revolutions quite free from the car velocity. That results in low specific fuel consumption and in low gas emission for any traction load and car velocity. Efficiency of energy conversions in the system must be taken in account. Parallel hybrid drive in Fig. 5 is a combination of ICE and electric traction motor on the same shaft. Traction motor is supplied by battery and its output is separated from the ICE output. Final traction torque is sum of both motors torque. Power transmission is more effective than in series hybrid drive because the mechanical ICE output is not transformed in electrical output. But the ICE cannot work in optimal load regime because its speed is not free from the car velocity. traction motor internal combustion engine TM Fig. 6. Combined switched hybrid drive The generator supplies the electric energy to the traction motor. When the car speed and ICE speed and power are high but the difference between ICE speed and car speed is small, it is better to operate the scheme as parallel hybrid drive and the clutch is on in such a case. On this regime the ICE power and speed are high and the ICE can operate with small output changes. The difference between desired traction output and ICE optimal output is stored in or discharged from the accumulator. The drive is depicted in Fig. 9. It consists with gasoline engine, double rotor DC generator, and traction motor. traction motor Combined hybrid with planetary gear in Fig. 7 is a topology where mechanical power splitting is used. The splitting is performed in the planetary gear. In this scheme the generator rotates with speed, which is difference between the ICE and car speed. This solution allows splitting the ICE output into two parts. rotating stator control unit generator ~ ~ generator gasoline engine traction motor ICE planet gear Fig. 7. Combined hybrid with planetary grar The first part is proportional to the difference between the ICE and car speed and the second is proportional to the car speed. The first part is transformed into electric energy in the generator and supplied to the traction motor. The second part is transferred by the output planet shaft directly to car wheels. This scheme allows controlling the engine speed and torque and this is the way how to minimize fuel consumption. Electric power splitting drive using DC machines was used on Czechoslovak express motor cars in the year 1936. The patent document was emitted in Czechoslovakia with Nr 53 735 on 25. February 1936. [1], [2], [3]. DC machines were usual on railway vehicles at that time. The vehicle was called :†Slovenska Strela† and remained in service till the year 1950. It should be reconstructed and modernized later on. But electrification of the main railway connection between Prague-Kosice replaced this very interesting vehicle with express electric locomotives. Fig. 8. Express railway car â€Å"Slovenska Strela† clutch rotor output shaft Fig. 9. Electric power splitting drive of express car â€Å"Slovenska Strela† The ICE drives a DC generator which â€Å"stator† and rotor can rotate separately. The â€Å"stator† is firmly coupled with the ICE shaft. The rotor is coupled with car wheels. On the car shaft is mounted a DC electric traction motor supplied by the voltage induced in the generator. The splitting is performed in the generator. The relative speed between generator â€Å"stator† and rotor is difference between the ICE and car speeds. This solution allows split the ICE output into two parts. The first part is proportional to the difference between the ICE and car speed and the second is proportional to the car speed. The first part is transformed into electric energy in the generator and supplied to the traction motor. The second part is transferred directly by means of electromagnetic torque in the generator air gap to the car wheels. This scheme allows controlling the ICE speed independently from the car speed and this is the way how to minimize fuel consumption. Model of Electric Power Splitting Drive Using AC Machines was implemented in the laboratory of Josef Bozek Research Center of Engine and Automotive Technology at the Technical University in Prague. The physical model of the drive is seen in Fig. 10. It is experimental electric hybrid car drive of a small power. [5], [9], [11], [13], [14], [15]. The output is 7. 5 kW, 0 – 6000 min-1.. Electronic converters and supercapacitor EC are integrated in the circuit between electric power divider SPGM and traction motor TM. The super capacitor as a peak energy storage has 100F, 56V and 400 A. It is able to accept the kinetic energy during braking the vehicle of the mass 1500kg from the velocity 60km/hour and regenerate it during next speeding up. Principle of the system is depicted in Fig. 10. The combustion engine COM ENG drives the electric power divider SGPM. The power divider is a special double rotor synchronous permanent magnet generator. The first rotor is firmly connected with the combustion engine shaft. The second rotor is firmly connected with the traction motor TM and with car wheels. The traction motor is supplied with electric power induced by differential velocity between first and second rotors. Parameters of this electric power (voltage, current and frequency) are changed in electronic converter in EC. Power of the combustion engine is divided into two parts. used for evaluation and comparison of car’s performance, pollution production, efficiencies etc. Simulations were performed on New European Driving Cycle NEDC. The NEDC is shown in Fig. 11. Total distance 10,9km Speed (km/hour) EC ELM CLUTCH COM ENG TM SGPM base Fig. 10. Physical model of Electric Splitting Drive Using AC Machines The incoming power P1=T1* ? 1 is the power of combustion engine producing torque T1 at angular velocity ? 1. Torque T1 is transferred with electromagnetic force to the second rotor, rotating at angular velocity ? 2 which is the same as car velocity. Power transmitted to car wheels by this torque is therefore Pm=T1*? 2. Remaining power is induced by magnetic field into the electric winding arranged on the second rotor. Neglecting losses this power is Pel=P1-Pm=T1*(? 1-? 2). Power Pel is transferred via electronic converter in EC to the traction motor TM and finally added to power Pm on car wheels. Incoming power P1 from combustion engine is by this technique divided into two parts Pm and Pel. Combustion engine can rotate with angular velocity which does not depend from the car velocity III. SIMULATION OF FUEL CONSUMPTION OF HYBRID ELECTRIC CARS Main advantage of electric hybrid cars is the diminishing of fuel consumption. The production of CO2 depends on the fuel consumption and on the working conditions of the ICE. The working conditions of the ICE are much better in electric hybrid cars than in conventional cars generally. Simulations were done with the mathematical model of Electric Power Splitting Drive Using AC Machines. Measured parameters and features obtained in the laboratory [11], [13], [14] were used for the simulation. The mathematical model of a conventional car and hybrid electric car with electric power divider was established in [15] [16] Comparisons of this art are usualy done on different standard driving cycles. Standard driving cycle represents a driving pattern of a certain geographic region (North America, Europe, Asia-Pacific). These driving cycles are Time (s) Fig. 11 New European Driving Cycle Parameters of compared cars and results of simulation are shown in Tab. 1 TABLE I SIMULATION RESULTS Vehicle type, manufacturer Driving Cycle Total mass (kg) Specific Consumption during total NEDC (l/100km). Total emissions CO2 (g) Specific emissions (g/km) First case Second case NEDC Skoda 1. 2HTP NEDC 1450 1120 5. 1 5. 9 1333 1540 122. 9 142 Model Fabia Two cases are shown. In both of them the New European Driving Cycle was simulated. Case first: Hybrid electric car with electric power divider. The mass of the car respects the additional mass of electric part of the powertrain. Case second: Conventional car Skoda Fabia 1. 2 HTP. The results shown in Tab. 1 allow to make following conclusions: When comparing fuel consumption and CO2 emissions between hybrid car with electric power divider versus conventional car of the same class (that means the same primary ICE engine power and respecting additional mass of the electric powertrain machines), we can conclude that the fuel consumption and CO2 emissions are significantly lower at the hybrid car. Hybridization of such cars brings not only fuel savings but also is much more environmentally friendly. I. CONCLUSION The production of dangerous greenhouse gas emissions and consumption of world energy resources become a serious problem. Especially CO2 emissions can influence the climate stability of Planet Earth. The automobile business contributes to this development a lot. But the automobile technology has space to be improved. The electric and hybrid electric vehicles can contribute to diminishing of fuel consumption and green gases production. The hybrid electric vehicles makes it possible to operate the combustion engine in more suitable regimes with better fuel combustion conditions. Some hybrid systems even enable to operate the combustion engine in best relation between power and revolutions. Systems with power dividers allow the engine to operate in revolutions that are quite independent from the car velocity. Simulations were done with the mathematical model of Electric Power Splitting Drive Using AC Machines. Measured parameters and features obtained in the laboratory were used for the simulation. Simulations were performed on New European Driving Cycle NEDC. Results of one commercial car and one hybrid electric car with electric power divider are published. Fuel consumption of the hybrid car on the new European Driving Cycle was 5,1 l/km. The commercial car consumed 5,9 l/km. The hybrid car consumption is 13. 6% lower then at commercial car. Similar numbers were obtained with respect to CO2 production. The hybrid car produced 1333 g CO2 on the New European Driving Cycle. Commercial car produced 1540 g CO2. Hybrid car with electric power divider produced 13. 5% less CO2 . REFERENCES [1] V. Klima : Electro-mechanic drive DELKA and its comparison with Dieselelectric drive. (Elektro mechanicky pohon DELKA a jeho srovnani s normalnim Diesel-elektrickym pohonem. ) Elektrotechnicky obzor 1949, Nr. 19, Pg. 489-496 [2] J. Sousedik : Patent document Czechoslovakia Nr 53 735 from 25. February 1936. [3] J. Bilek: Electric drive of motor cars â€Å"Slovenska strela† (Elektricka vyzbroj motorovych vozu â€Å"Slovenska strela†). Elektrotechnicky obzor 1937, Nr16, Pg249-253, Nr. 21 Pg. 331-336. [4] J. Mierlo: Simulation software for comparison and design of electric, hybrid electric and internal combustion vehicles with respect to energy, emission and performances. Vrije Universiteit Brussel. [5] Z. Cerovsky, P. Mindl, S. Fligl, Z. Halamka and P. 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