Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The British Petroleum And Bp Oil Spill Essay - 2006 Words

The British Petroleum (BP) Oil Spill occurred in April of 2010 and hurt many people, animals, businesses, and the economy of the many cities it impacted. It is recognized as the â€Å"worst oil spill† in the history of the United States, killing eleven people. The spill occurred due to a leak in a pipe that spilled oil into the Gulf of Mexico. The BP Oil well was not capped until 87 days later, by which 3.19 million barrels of oil had already spilled into the the Gulf of Mexico. The BP Oil spill did not only impact humans but sea animals too, including shrimp, lobsters, dolphins, turtles, and more. To clean up the spill, more chemicals were dumped into the ocean to reduce the size of the oil droplets causing the chemicals to also enter the food chain of these sea creatures as well. Over one thousand miles of the Gulf of Mexico shoreline was affected by the British Petroleum oil spill. But while the BP oil spill caused many damages to the Gulf of Mexico, it also brought some be nefits, including jobs for immigrants and the national economic financial crisis started to withdraw. Panama City and Destin being two cities, well known for their beautiful beaches was severely impacted by this oil spill. Small and big businesses lost plenty of business as this spill occurred during the two cities booming season of summer. If the spill had happened in the winter, it wouldn’t have been as big of a harm on the economy as the majority of Destin and Panama City’s tourists come during theShow MoreRelatedBp s ( British Petroleum ) Oil Spill Crisis2060 Words   |  9 Pagesat BP’s (British Petroleum) oil spill crisis in 2010. It is British multinational oil and Gas Company, their headquarter is based on London, England. 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